In a posting on his blog, Khir said Umno had offered its arch-rival PAS the menteri besar post during a dialogue session held shortly after the elections.Apart from this, he said PAS was also offered the deputy menteri besar as well as four executive councillors posts if it agreed to form the coalition.Khir also said he was willing to be left out of the state government line-up if that would encourage PAS to accept the partnership."I brought them (PAS) for a muzakarah (dialogue) with the prime minister and suggested to Abdullah (Ahmad Badawi) that PAS leaders in Selangor be offered those posts," he added.
"As long as Anwar is important in Pakatan Rakyat, the muzakarah will not succeed. Anwar does not want to see Malays unite and that is why he formed Pakatan that thrives on the ideals of equality to the extent of elevating other religions on the same par as the primary religion in this country, Islam," he added.Khir said this was proven by the fact that Anwar was being supported by 'extremist' Chinese and Indians via opposition party DAP and the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf).
"My dream is to see that the Malays once again become the backbone which will stabilise the politics in the country," he added.
This entry is simply disgraceful.This ex Selangor MB, Khir Toyo is still in dreamland. The rakyat's concern of corruption, inefficient judicial system, inflation and uncertain economy growth, high crime rate is not being championed by Khir.
But he is more interested in fighthing for the right of Islam as main religion. Groups like DAP and Hindraf are not religion group. They are fighting for equality in the sense all national decision and policy should be made without being disriminatory according to race.
When i am younger, i used to think that Barisan front is a good thing for the country. Good moderate Malay leaders that is tolerant to all races. The good things of Malaysia is shared with all the rakyat'. But thing start to change in Abdullah administration. UMNO leader is arrogant and getting more and more racists. The relationship between malay and non-malay ( i would prefer to use malaysian, but UMNO leaders love to differentiate us ) is not longer Aur dengan Terbing.
Non-malay is being viewed as anti-Islam and no longer important in any decision made in the government.
But i always been thinking, if all non-malay and malay have same religion, Islam. Will things be better? Will Khir Toyo consider non-malay as part of the country's backbone? If my name become Will Abdullah and i able to talk to Khir on the same level on how to help the rakyat', that would be a positive thing.
1 comment:
The perceived threats to Malay special rights and the sanctity of Islam is an imaginary perception concocted by Umno and its supporters to reaffirm their hold on the communal-based politics in the country.
As a dominant communal party, Umno cannot afford for the transition to a non-communal and more Malaysian centric political model to materialise.
Umno must be portrayed as the champion of Malay special rights to remain relevant as a political entity.
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